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Edmonton ISIS women ordered to attend deradicalization program



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Court-Ordered Deradicalization for Two Edmonton Women

In a significant legal decision, an Alberta judge has ordered two Edmonton women, Helena Carson and Dina Kalouti, to participate in a deradicalization program. The women, who were captured in Syria during the collapse of the Islamic State (ISIS), were instructed to undergo counselling with the Organization for the Prevention of Violence. Justice Suzanne Polkosnik approved a terrorism peace bond for the sisters-in-law, who admitted to living in ISIS territory for four years. Their lawyer, Zachary Al-Khatib, expressed satisfaction with the court’s decision, emphasizing that his clients posed no threat to the Canadian public. However, he declined to comment on why the women traveled to Syria in the first place. When asked about their next steps, Al-Khatib stated that they would comply with the court’s conditions and work to demonstrate that they are productive members of society.

Their Journey to ISIS Territory

Helena Carson, 35, and Dina Kalouti,

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