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Labourer Survives After Machine Blade Embeds in Face

A mason in India survives a freak accident as a flying machine blade slices through his face. Discover the miraculous surgery and incredible fight to save his sight!



A mason in India survives a freak accident as a flying machine blade slices through his face. Discover the miraculous surgery and incredible fight to save his sight!

A laborer is defying the odds after surviving a shocking workplace accident in which a massive machine blade dislodged and lodged itself in his face.

Shiv Murat Singh, a 47-year-old mason from Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, was using machinery to cut iron when it malfunctioned catastrophically.

READ MORE: The medical staff who worked on Shiv’s injury. (Jam Press/Rare Shot News)

The razor-sharp blade flew at high speed, slicing through his face from his forehead down to his chin.

A piece of the blade removed from Shiv’s face. (Jam Press/Rare Shot News)

The trajectory of the blade caused devastating injuries, penetrating one of his eyes, his nasal cavity, and his chin.

Following the horrifying incident, Shiv was rushed to a nearby hospital in critical condition.

X-rays taken before removing the blade. (Jam Press/Rare Shot News)

Surgeons performed a delicate four-hour operation to remove the embedded blade, a procedure that required extraordinary precision due to the shard’s dangerous proximity to vital structures in his face.

Doctors at KGMU Hospital, where Shiv is now recovering, are focused on saving his vision, though damage to his optic nerve has left his prognosis uncertain.

The medical team emphasized the complexity of the injury, with Dr.

CONTENT WARNING – GRAPHIC IMAGES. Shiv after doctors Managed to remove the blade and close the wound. (Jam Press/Rare Shot News)

Sameer Mishra explaining, “The metal shard pierced both the nasal cavity and the eye socket, presenting a significant challenge.

The operation required meticulous coordination to minimize further damage and stabilize the patient.”

The medical staff who worked on Shiv’s injury. (Jam Press/Rare Shot News)

Shiv’s family has expressed deep gratitude to the medical staff for their swift and skilled intervention, crediting them with saving his life in what could have easily been a fatal incident.

The freak accident has drawn attention to workplace safety in the region, highlighting the risks faced by laborers working with heavy machinery.

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SOURCE: Labourer lucky-to-be-alive after huge blade from machine flies off and gets embedded in face



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