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Multilateralism can and must deliver



2024 11 18T191326Z 263311902 RC2U7BAT7OIZ RTRMADP 3 G20 SUMMIT 1741268449

2025: A Year of Critical Global Opportunities

As we approach the year 2025, the world stands at a precipice, facing monumental challenges in inequality, climate change, and sustainable development. It is a time where the need for global collaboration is more urgent than ever. This year presents three pivotal summits that could shape the future of multilateralism: the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) in Seville, the 30th Conference of the Parties (COP30) in Belém, and the G20 Summit in Johannesburg. These events are not mere meetings; they are opportunities to forge paths towards a more equitable and sustainable world.

The Strain on Multilateralism

Multilateral institutions are currently under significant strain, with trust waning among nations. However, the necessity for global cooperation has never been greater. The successes of past multilateral efforts, such as the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, remind us of the power of collective action. The upcoming summits must serve as milestones in recommitting to inclusivity and sustainable development, requiring strong political will and stakeholder participation.

Rethinking Global Financial Structures

The widening income inequality, both within and between nations, calls for a reevaluation of our financial architecture. Developing countries are burdened by debt and limited access to capital, competing with essential public services. The G20, under South African leadership, is prioritizing debt relief, innovative financing, and addressing high capital costs. FfD4 in Seville will be crucial for securing commitments to fair resource access and international cooperation.

Climate Action and Just Transitions

For many developing nations, climate transitions remain elusive due to funding and development constraints. COP30 in Belém offers a chance to translate climate finance commitments into action. Success hinges on bridging the gap between promises and delivery, enhancing adaptation finance, and leveraging private investments. The Baku to Belém Roadmap aims to scale up climate financing, ensuring transitions are just and inclusive.

Inclusivity in Addressing Global Threats

In an increasingly fragmented world, finding common ground is essential. The summits in Seville, Belém, and Johannesburg must exemplify multilateral cooperation. They must mobilize capital for sustainable development, protect the planet, and reaffirm inclusive growth. These efforts require unity among nations, institutions, and sectors, recognizing that financial stability and climate action are intertwined.

A Collective Call to Action

As we look toward 2025, the stakes are high, and failure is not an option. Multilateralism must deliver, as the challenges we face are too great for isolated actions. The call is to all global players to rise to this moment, ensuring that 2025 becomes a year of decisive, collective action toward a more just and sustainable world.

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