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Brute who sexually assaulted, bludgeoned and permanently disfigured Calif. mom walks free: ‘Justice was not served’




Introduction: A Shocking Case of Injustice

In a disturbing turn of events, Trevor Lee Colombano, a 38-year-old from California, has been granted probation despite pleading no contest to a brutal attack on a mother in front of her young daughter and cousin. The incident, which occurred on October 30, 2023, in Santa Rosa, left the victim with severe physical and emotional scars. Judge Dana Simonds cited Colombano’s cannabis use, stress, and mental health issues as reasons for the lenient sentence, ignoring the pleas for a maximum nine-year sentence from the victim, prosecutors, and law enforcement. This decision has sparked outrage and disappointment, with many feeling that justice was not served.

The Brutal Attack: A Daytime Assault

The attack was both shocking and violent. Colombano approached the victim, a stranger, while she was walking her dog. He sexually assaulted her and beat her with a closed fist and a landscaping rock, causing significant injuries, including lacerations requiring 17 sutures and five staples. The assault ended when two bystanders intervened. The victim’s 13-year-old daughter and cousin witnessed the entire ordeal, leaving them traumatized. This senseless act of violence has had a lasting impact on the family, forcing them to relocate out of state.

Judge’s Decision: A Lenient Sentence Sparks Outrage

Despite facing up to nine years in prison, Colombano was sentenced to probation, a decision met with widespread criticism. Judge Simonds’s focus on Colombano’s personal issues as mitigating factors has been questioned. District Attorney Carla Rodriguez expressed strong dissatisfaction, emphasizing that Colombano poses a significant threat to public safety and should be incarcerated. The outcome has left the victim and her family feeling betrayed, with the community sharing their disbelief and frustration.

Victim’s Impact: A Life Forever Changed

The victim has spoken about the profound effect of the attack, describing how it stripped her of her strength and left her and her family with lasting emotional wounds. She expressed her inability to protect herself and her child during the assault, a feeling that continues to haunt her. The trauma has led to her relocation, underscoring the long-term consequences of such violence. Her words highlight the deeper psychological scars that often accompany such brutal attacks.

Reactions: A Community in Anger and Disappointment

The lenient sentence has angered not just the victim and her family but also the broader community. Law enforcement and corrections officials, including the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and the Sonoma County Probation Department, advocated for the maximum sentence, viewing Colombano as a public menace. The outcome underscores concerns about the justice system’s ability to protect victims and hold perpetrators accountable, leaving many disillusioned.

Conclusion: A Call for Support and Change

The case of Trevor Lee Colombano highlights the need for a justice system that prioritizes victim safety and accountability. As the community grapples with this outcome, it’s crucial to support survivors. Resources like the National Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-656-4673) offer vital assistance. This case serves as a reminder of the challenges in achieving true justice and the importance of advocating for systemic change.

Resources: Support for Survivors

For those affected by sexual assault, resources are available. In New York, the hotline 1-800-942-6906 provides free and confidential counseling, while the National Sexual Assault Hotline (1-800-656-4673) offers 24/7 support nationwide. These services are crucial in helping survivors navigate their healing journey.



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